Hey, Kids!  The Canandaigua Kids Crew is back for another fun-filled season!  If you are under 12 years old, you can join!  For a $5.00 membership fee, Kids Crew members will receive food coupons, an official membership card, and Crew T-shirt. Registration is open from 6:00-6:45 and will begin on the season opener, April 19th and conclude on May 10th at the official Kids Crew area, which is located next to the fried dough stand in the food concession area.

As a member, you can participate in all of these great activities:

-A tour of the pits on the Fun Bus
-Drawings for pace truck rides, driven by whomever the winner chooses
-A poster/coloring contest
-Drawings for T-shirts autographed by the Super Dirt Series Drivers
-An end of the season party
-The new “Driver of the Week” game
-Cool surprises throughout the season!

Stay posted to the Canandaigua website for Kids Crew updates. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me at . See you in April!


                                                                                                            Marilou Stange
                                                                                                            Kids Crew Director