Street Stock Back2Back Bonus Program

JoshComp Racing, the newest sponsor at Canandaigua Speedway, is proud to announce the formation of the '2003 JoshComp Racing Back2Back Bonus Program' for the Street Stock Division at The Land Of Legends.

$75.00 will be placed weekly into the Back2Back jackpot. The jackpot will progressively increase each week by $75.00, until an eligible street stock team earns it upon winning two consecutive street stock features in 2003.

For a street stock team to become eligible for the program, they must display a JoshComp Racing contingency decal on their car. Contingency decals may be obtained through Mike Minutolo, who is also available for decal placement advise.

JoshComp Corporation is a Canandaigua based company that services AMX and Crestron tele-conferencing programs, and owner George J Buksar and his son Josh are proud and excited to sponsor and participate in the bonus program that will benefit the entire Street Stock Division in 2003.